Take all the Risk Out of Commercial Lending!

Dealing with over 100 clients a month for the last 18 months, We have learned a LOT about what can be funded, what can not be funded, what the marketplace is doing on a ground level and, what the average business person out there is thinking and feeling. If I had to sum up the general feeling that most business owners have right now, it is a cautious mix of optimism and doubt.

The average business owner is doing better than 2009, sees opportunities in their business, but is still very tight on money and is nervous about certain things. This is not really a bad place to be. It is good to be cautiously optimistic. That fear explodes however, when they apply for a loan for their business. Especially when they get denied. Did you know that over 80% of all commercial loan applications are getting denied? Or approved but not closed? These are not my numbers, these are industry numbers. SBA reports approval rates; if you can pin down lenders and get them speaking honestly they will tell you. The truth is the credit box has not loosened. It has stopped tightening but, it has not loosened. Getting credit is just as tough today as it was 1 year ago. There are more sources back lending but, they are all lending with the same box. So when you are trying to close a commercial loan for what you feel is a strong client, actually, the odds of success is stacked against you. That is where we can come in.

We have REAL lending sources from around the country and We know how to strengthen deals to overcome issues. In the residential mortgage world, it is a cookie-cutter process. ALL loans are sold in that space. If XYZ Mortgage Company can get the loan done, then anyone can get the loan done because the guidelines are all the same, the loans all end up in the same place and operate on the same rules. Commercial is much different. Banks are lending their own money and different banks key on different things. For example, We do a lot of loans for start-up restaurant franchises like Firehouse Subs, Jimmy John’s, Papa John’s, etc. Different lenders key on different things. If a client has a ton of experience but, no collateral most banks will deny that loan but we have a couple of lenders for that. If they have collateral but, no experience and, they are trying to start a restaurant franchise, 99% of all banks will deny that loan because they have no restaurant experience and, it is a start-up. But we have a lender that assumes the franchise is the experience and will do the loan if it has collateral. In other words, we have the most sources, resources and knowledge to match the particular strength of the borrower with the lender most likely to want those strengths and hence, we have the best chance of getting loans done.

HERE IS THE EXCITING PART-MY EXPERTISE IS FREE!  We charge nothing to look at a loan and determine if it is viable and what has to be done. If you refer someone to us or run a deal by us, we will look at your client’s situation, and quickly determine if it is doable in today’s market or not. If not, you will know quickly and will save a ton of time. If it is doable, we tell you what we need to get them approved and once received, we usually will approve them within 48 hours and you will have terms in writing that will include your fees. If the client chooses to move forward with us, then yes, we will be paid at closing. If they choose to keep looking around, you have risked NOTHING. Do you know someone who needs a commercial loan? Refer them to us and let our expertise help them. Listen, it does you no good working hard on a loan that never closes. It costs nothing to run it by us, engage me and, get me helping you get the deal over the top. You will be better off for the discussion with us either way. Everyone wins! Call us today at 949-371-9947 or e-mail us at ViiCapital@gmail.com . No one funds more loans then we do in commercial, and my expertise is FREE upfront. What do you have to lose? Give us a call today!


P.S. Remember, an initial consultation is FREE and with my huge resources, and tremendous experience, I can add a lot of value to your search for a commercial loan or for your friends or clients. To find out more, or to discuss your own deal or a deal for a client or friend, just give me a call at 949-371-9947 or e-mail me at ViiCapital@gmail.com . Have a great week!

Posted on July 6, 2012, in Commercial, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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